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NuPattern is a set of tools and framework that make it easy to create your own branded custom tooling and automation in Visual Studio.
You are now used to seeing different vendors tools and extensions in Visual Studio, some you like, and some offer little value to your project except in the initial phases. But, have you ever considered using and building your own tools, or tools from others developers you follow, ones that create software the way you know you want it created for your projects? Like how your organization or community builds their applications using agreed coding standards, project structures and architectural practices. NuPattern is the new framework and the tools that enable you to create your own tooling and automation that does exactly that.
Ever tried to create custom tools and templates in Visual Studio? It is impossibly hard, and few can afford to do it, but no longer with NuPattern. Simply define a model of how you understand the features of your software, and apply templates and automation to it. Then NuPattern will automatically generate a new Visual Studio extension that you can post on a gallery and share with others.