Error: Manually created ServicePrincipalToken does not contain secret material to retrieve a new access token

When a long-running Terraform on Azure deployment is happening (or an apply) the token used by Terraform is NOT being refreshed during the operation.

Error message

Error: Error waiting for creation of HDInsight Hadoop Cluster "mycluster" (Resource Group "my-cluster"): azure.BearerAuthorizer#WithAuthorization: Failed to refresh the Token for request to<redacted>/resourceGroups/scicoria-hdp-cluster/providers/Microsoft.HDInsight/clusters/mycluster/azureasyncoperations/create?api-version=2018-06-01-preview: StatusCode=0 -- Original Error: Manually created ServicePrincipalToken does not contain secret material to retrieve a new access token

There is an outstanding or actually closed issue on GitHub that IMHO was prematurely closed. There is hope, the 1.37 version of the Azure Provider may have fixed this - as shown in this issue

To specify a specific version of the provider you can use the following in your .tf files

provider "azurerm" {
  version         = "=1.37.0"
  subscription_id = var.subscription_id

But to get around this limit and get a "full-hour" of deployment time, you can "kill" the tokens with the following:

Note: this is run from PowerShell core taken from this gh issue

$tokens = Get-Content $Home\.azure\accessTokens.json | ConvertFrom-Json
foreach ($token in $tokens) { $token.expiresOn = "1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000" }
$tokens | ConvertTo-json | Set-Content $Home\.azure\accessTokens.json